Hello Hello Hello!
I haven't updated in a long time, but from looking at my stat counter I know people are still daily checking my blog... THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU!!! I really can't say it enough, even if the only person checking is my Mom... it doesn't matter.
College has been nothing short of amazing. I love all my new friends. I love my classes. I love the dorm life. Of course there are some not-so-great things... finances, missing my family, homework, etc... But in the end I know it'll be worth it.
One of the reasons I haven't been updating is because my free trial with Lightroom 2.0 has run out and I haven't bought the "real" version yet. So now all my edited pictures are in Lightroom and I can't get to them. This is definitely a bummer since I have lots of amazing stuff I want to show all of you. I'm buying it soon though, so no worries.
In the meantime, I did I wedding with,
Olivia Wagner, the night before moving into the my dormitory. The bride was really into vintage and it made for some amazing pictures! Oh my goodness, such a fun wedding.
My Favorite!
After shooting this wedding in particular I was able to come back with some images that were definitely "
Julia Mary." I'm starting to define myself, and become more confident in my brand. This makes me so happy to say the least. I still have a long road ahead of me but now I feel confident knowing I'm headed in the right direction.
Other randomness
-I learned how to
tweet from my phone so I'll be updating that more often.
-I'm very close to getting a Canon 5d. The thought of having to buy a body, lens, camera bag, memory and everything, [literally starting from scratch] does intimidates me. Much more than I'm willing to admit, but it'll be worth it in the end... I just know it!
- This note of randomness is for teachers, my mom, and Grammar-Spelling-Geeks....
I know this update has grammatical errors oozing out of every sentence, but just ignore it. An update is better than no update... right?
Enjoy the weekend everyone!