I love...

...lens flare and vibrant colors.


The End!

Dusting off the cobwebs

Hello Hello Hello!

I haven't updated in a long time, but from looking at my stat counter I know people are still daily checking my blog... THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU!!! I really can't say it enough, even if the only person checking is my Mom... it doesn't matter.

College has been nothing short of amazing. I love all my new friends. I love my classes. I love the dorm life. Of course there are some not-so-great things... finances, missing my family, homework, etc... But in the end I know it'll be worth it.

One of the reasons I haven't been updating is because my free trial with Lightroom 2.0 has run out and I haven't bought the "real" version yet. So now all my edited pictures are in Lightroom and I can't get to them. This is definitely a bummer since I have lots of amazing stuff I want to show all of you. I'm buying it soon though, so no worries.

In the meantime, I did I wedding with, Olivia Wagner, the night before moving into the my dormitory. The bride was really into vintage and it made for some amazing pictures! Oh my goodness, such a fun wedding.



My Favorite!

After shooting this wedding in particular I was able to come back with some images that were definitely "Julia Mary." I'm starting to define myself, and become more confident in my brand. This makes me so happy to say the least. I still have a long road ahead of me but now I feel confident knowing I'm headed in the right direction.

Other randomness

-I learned how to tweet from my phone so I'll be updating that more often.

-I'm very close to getting a Canon 5d. The thought of having to buy a body, lens, camera bag, memory and everything, [literally starting from scratch] does intimidates me. Much more than I'm willing to admit, but it'll be worth it in the end... I just know it!

- This note of randomness is for teachers, my mom, and Grammar-Spelling-Geeks....
I know this update has grammatical errors oozing out of every sentence, but just ignore it. An update is better than no update... right?

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Tweet Tweet

So remember a few weeks back when I told you about "getting out there?" Well, Julia Mary is getting out there again. Not only did I finally join the rest of the world in texting yesterday . But I also, moved into the realm of Twitter

Part of the reason I waited so long to get twitter was partly becuase I didn't know why people would want to follow the mundane things of my day. Maybe it's just me but reallllly....who cares when I brush my teeth, or what I eat for lunch?! Despite my reservations, eventually I caved to the strong continual persistance of my friends.

If you want to follow the mundane and exciting things of my day, follow me: HERE!

[Note the "underscore" between julia and mary. Just plain, "juliamary", was taken.]

I will admit at this point I'm completely confused by Twitter. I have much to learn. At this point I don't know whats worse... texting like a grandma or not understanding Twitter? Hm...

Lastly, will someone clear this up for me. When I update, do I....
a. tweet
b. tweeter
 c. twitter
d. none of the above
e. something else

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday!

Behind the Scenes

There are two favorite things I love to see on other photographers blogs.

1. Behind the Scenes
2. Videos

The icing on the cake is when it's a behind the scenes video. Those are my favorite for sure!!!

Anyways, remember the fun photo shoot I did with Grace and fellow photographers, Tim Cothran, Melissa Oholendt, and Joel Nelson? Well, Joel besides being a great photographer is also a master videographer. Throughout the night he took footage of us shooting and just being silly. A few weeks later he compiled all of our pictures with his video footage and waaaaalah, A VIDEO!




The day before I left Colorado, a group of us from camp visited the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. The campus was breathtaking!

I guess it didn't hurt that the campus was situated among the mountains.


The highlight of the campus is their chapel. Will someone plllllease get married here and let me photograph their wedding? Okay, great!


Can you imagine what our world would be like if everyone followed this principle?
All the buildings had walls like this with different colored mosaics. This one was my favorite!
If you thought the outside of the chapel was cool just wait til you see the inside...
My sister and I sitting inside the chapel.
Lastly and most importantly.....THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU to all our troops at home and abroad!!!