
People often think we're twins... we're not, but we are related! This is Ellen my younger sister. She's graduating this year. I cannot believe it!!! Anyone else out there have siblings younger than them graduate? Was it weird? It is for me!

She loves playing basketball, reading, and watching old classics [my kinda girl].
I think this is my favorite. It's so hard to choose though!
Yup I gotta say it sometime... she's gorgeous!

4 Responses so far.

  1. wow, y'all DO look like twins! y'all are both beautiful too :)

  2. Caroline says:

    she does look so like you! beautiful photos :-) my brother just graduated university (we don't really 'graduate' high school in the same way over here), and it was so strange for me! Couldn't believe it was two whole years since I graduated myself. Loving you blog!

  3. She really does look a lot like you! I love how relaxed and pretty these shots are.

  4. LOVE these! You did a great job on these and you really do look like twins! Ha

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