Getting Out There

While at the internship with Kristen Leigh we talked about marketing. I seriously cannot believe how far God has taken me in just over two weeks. Doors are opening, I'm meeting tons of talented people, and I'm connecting with those of you who comment on my blog! You're all amaaaazing!

Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you!!!!

There are a few things that are definitely helping me...

-Blogging. I love reading blogs and connecting with other photographers. It's kind of like an eye into their world... I LOVE IT! Unfortunately, I'm no Jamie Delaine and Jasmine* blogger. They're amazing writers and blog like everyday! I'm that kind of blogger in my dreams! But I'll continue to blog because it's a fun way to share pictures\stories, and see how far you've come [just go back in your archives someday for fun]!

-Website! I'm sooo excited for this. I had finished a website but after talking with some friends we decided it wasn't my brand so I started over. Yes people. Deleted my finished product and completely started from scratch! I almost pulled out my hair, so much work and time, to then just destroy it. But now I can look back and can say it was sooo worth it. I have a few finishing touches to make and then I'll publish my new website! It's soooo me, and my brand! Cannot wait! Here's a preview.
Lastly... beloved facebook! So many people are on facebook. This might sound cheessy but I really don't think my business would be what it is today if it weren't for facebook. The ability to put pictures online and show all my friends has been invaluable. I have gotten more than 80% of my business from people seeing my pictuers on facebook. Like I said... invaluable! I started out with just a personal page. But lately I knew I wanted something more, and a way to connect with more people who aren't my "friends". I have a Julia Mary fan page in the works. I'll be adding updates, promotions, and pictures [DUH!]. It's not up yet [technical difficulties today :\] but I'll announce when it is!
I know Twitter is another great way to market yourself. Also, very important. But I still don't have texting. Yup still living in the stone age over here ;) Oh, do you wanna see my phone?...
Isn't it great? Top of the line, ya know? Once I get texting I'll be sure to start tweeting or twittering and whatever it is!

Lastly I'm in the middle of developing some fabulous business cards using Moo! Definitely check them out. I'm going with the mini cards! Woohoo. I feel so official with business cards!

A thursday isn't a thursday without a little photobooth action right!?

Alright...Happy Thursday!

8 Responses so far.

  1. Kristin says:

    MOO is fantastic! I designed mine with them as well...believe me, the texture of the paper, your name on the front of the package...its as legit as it gets!

    I'm so happy for you and the steps youre making...way to represent!

  2. Anonymous says:

    WHOOOOOOO! Can't wait to see your website!

  3. Unknown says:

    Wow your website is going to be totally AWESOME! :)

  4. melissa o says:

    Bah - I adore you. You are soooo much fun.

    I will get you on Twitter yet!

  5. you are so adorb :)
    and i loved this post!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Can't wait for your site to be up! Looks like it will be great!!! :)

  7. i wish i could have met you. :P
    we would have gotten along i think. ;)

  8. beth says:

    Super-cute post...and I can't wait to see your website!! I *heart* moo as well!! :)

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