Irene Carole "Ica"

I first met Ica, or "Miss Fashionista" as I like to call her, in the Snyder family kitchen. She came in with the biggest smile on her face, and gave me a bear hug. She's full of energy, joy, and encouragement. She added so much to the internship and I'm so glad I got to spend time with her. Her brand turned out so great [it didn't hurt that she went to school for design before going into photography]. Definitely check her out!

I loooove her laugh!

A t t i t u d e
Being oh so fab on the roof top

2 Responses so far.

  1. Julia!!!! I love you!!! You are awesome and so so sweet. You are so talented and thank you soo much for being my sanity during the week!

  2. So beautiful!! Love the last picture and the one with her many faces. adorable!!

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